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Believe: The Barack Obama Story

This documentary is a revealing portrait of President Barack Obama: his parents and diverse childhood experiences in Hawaii, years as a community organizer in the South Side of Chicago, and milestone achievement as the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.


The documentary highlights his marriage to his wife Michelle and family life with their daughters, early political career, winning campaign to become a US Senator and his inspiring speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Finally, the film chronicles his historic campaign to become the 44th President of the United States, culminating in his election night speech and inauguration.


The film features interviews and video with Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as those who have known him from his childhood to the those involved in his historic political career. It was filmed across the nation including Hawaii, Chicago and Washington, DC, and has an original music soundtrack with inspirational songs.

James Brown: The Man, The Music and The Message

This documentary is an inspiring and entertaining program about the remarkable life of “The Godfather of Soul." Hosted by television veteran Dick Cavett, this definitive biography features up-close and personal interviews with the legendary entertainer, as well as his great music, stirring concert performances and major events in his life. The program also features interviews and appearances by an impressive list of music celebrities, including Dick Clark, Michael Jackson, Little Richard, Bobby Brown, MC Hammer and more. Mr. Brown often said, "This film is the best one ever done on me."

The Million Man March

The documentary highlights the uplifting march on the National Mall in Washington, DC to fight for justice and change. Hundreds of thousands gathered at the same location to ensure that that spirit continues. In commemoration of this special date, On the Potomac Productions is proud to announce that "The Million Man March Story," the critically acclaimed documentary of the 1995 event.

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